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series 4ws power winches Up to 6,000 lb capacity
Modular design allows us to make-to-order each winch to meet your
    exact needs.
Standard features include TEFC brakemotors, enclosed machine cut
    gearing,  flange style ball bearings, and 2-year limited warranty.
Custom modifications are also available.
Please order wire rope and controls separately. (See page below)
series 4ws power winches series 4ws power winches
Series 4WS6M12
series 4ws power winches
Model 4WS3M10 with Clutch
Model 4WS3M10
Model 4WS1M6

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When ordering, please indicate Model Number
and Extensions
examples: 4WS1M6-1000-20-A (without clutch); 4WS1M6-1000-20-A-C
(with clutch)
Model No. Model No. extension Motor
Load rating (lb) Wire
dia. (in.)
Line speed (fpm) Drum capacity (ft)¹ Approx.²
ship wt
1 phase
3 phase
4WS1M6 800 15 A,B,D,E,F C 0.5 800 550 420 3/16 17 33 21 110 260 155
4WS1M6 800 30 A,B,D,E,F C 0.75 800 550 420 3/16 29 55 21 110 260 165
4WS1M6 800 40 A,B,D,E,F C 1 800 550 420 3/16 43 82 21 110 260 175
4WS1M6 1100 20 A,B,D,E,F C 0.75 1100 800 600 1/4 18 32 16 62 140 165
4WS1M6 1100 30 A,B,D,E,F C 1 1100 800 600 1/4 30 54 16 62 140 175
4WS1M6 1100 40 D,E,F C 1.5 1400 800 600 1/4 44 81 16 62 140 170
4WS1M6 1500 20 A,B,D,E,F C 1 1500 1000 800 1/4 18 32 16 62 140 175
4WS1M6 1500 30 D,E,F C 1.5 1500 1100 800 1/4 30 54 16 62 140 170
4WS1M6 1500 40 B,D,E,F C 2 1500 1100 800 1/4 44 81 16 62 140 180
clutch option for 4WS1M6 (for pulling only) 
add   5
4WS3M10 2000 15 A,B,D,E,F C 1 2000 1300 1000 5/16 14 29 34 220 500 310
4WS3M10 2000 20 D,E,F C 1.5 2200 1400 1000 5/16 18 39 34 220 500 305
4WS3M10 2500 20 B,D,E,F C 2 2500 1600 1200 3/8 22 46 27 160 360 320
4WS3M10 3000 15 D,E,F C 1.5 3000 2000 1500 3/8 14 29 27 160 360 305
4WS3M10 3000 20 B,D,E,F C 2 3000 2000 1500 3/8 19 39 27 160 360 320
4WS3M10 3500 7 A,B,D,E,F C 1 3500 2300 1700 7/16 8 15 23 120 270 330
4WS3M10 3500 15 B,D,E,F C 2 3700 2500 1800 7/16 14 29 23 120 270 320
4WS3M10 3500 20 D,E,F C 3 3700 2500 1800 7/16 23 46 23 120 270 330
clutch option for 4WS3M10 (for pulling only) 
4WS6M12 3000 10 D,E,F C 1.5 3400 2200 1600 3/8 12 25 40 300 660 515
4WS6M12 3000 20 B,D,E,F C 2 3100 2000 1500 3/8 20 42 40 300 660 530
4WS6M12 4000 10 A,B,D,E,F C 2 4500 2900 2100 7/16 12 25 34 220 500 530
4WS6M12 4000 20 D,E,F C 3 4000 2500 1900 7/16 24 50 34 220 500 540
4WS6M12 6000 4 A,B,D,E,F C 1 6200 4000 3000 1/2 4 8 30 170 390 535
4WS6M12 6000 10 D,E,F C 3 6400 4200 3100 9/16 12 25 26 140 310 540
4WS6M12 6000 20 D,E,F C 5 6400 4200 3100 9/16 24 50 26 140 310 585
1 clutch option for 4WS6M12 (for pulling only)
motor codes ¹ Actual drum capacities 25-30% less, due to nonuniform winding. Wire rope
tension will also affect drum capacity.
A 115 volt 1 phase
B 230 volt 1 phase
D 230 volt 3 phase
E 460 volt 3 phase
F All other voltages - please contact us
² Weight may vary with motor.
³ Please contact us for firm fixed price and delivery.

series 4ws power winches drawing
Model extension A B C D E H J K M N P R S (hole dia.)
4WS1M6-800-15 20.50 21.62 3.00 6.75 2.25 11.75 1.75 6.00 9.75 1.25 8.50 11.00 0.44
4WS1M6-800-30 21.25 22.38 3.00 6.75 2.25 11.75 1.75 6.00 9.75 1.25 8.50 11.00 0.44
4WS1M6-800-40 21.25 23.38 3.00 6.75 2.25 11.75 1.75 6.00 9.75 1.25 8.50 11.00 0.44
4WS1M6-1100-20 21.25 22.38 3.00 6.75 2.25 11.75 1.75 6.00 9.75 1.25 8.50 11.00 0.44
4WS1M6-1100-30 21.25 23.38 3.00 6.75 2.25 11.75 1.75 6.00 9.75 1.25 8.50 11.00 0.44
4WS1M6-1100-40 21.25 22.38 3.00 6.75 2.25 11.75 1.75 6.00 9.75 1.25 8.50 11.00 0.44
4WS1M6-1500-20 21.25 23.38 3.00 6.75 2.25 11.75 1.75 6.00 9.75 1.25 8.50 11.00 0.44
4WS1M6-1500-30 21.25 22.38 3.00 6.75 2.25 11.75 1.75 6.00 9.75 1.25 8.50 11.00 0.44
4WS1M6-1500-40 21.25 24.25 3.00 6.75 2.25 11.75 1.75 6.00 9.75 1.25 8.50 11.00 0.44
4WS3M10-2000-15 27.25 26.75 5.00 10.12 2.38 17.50 2.38 10.00 15.00 1.88 12.75 16.50 0.59
4WS3M10-2000-20 27.25 25.75 5.00 10.12 2.38 17.50 2.38 10.00 15.00 1.88 12.75 16.50 0.59
4WS3M10-2500-20 27.25 27.75 5.00 10.12 2.38 17.50 2.38 10.00 15.00 1.88 12.75 16.50 0.59
4WS3M10-3000-15 27.25 25.75 5.00 10.12 2.38 17.50 2.38 10.00 15.00 1.88 12.75 16.50 0.59
4WS3M10-3000-20 27.25 27.75 5.00 10.12 2.38 17.50 2.38 10.00 15.00 1.88 12.75 16.50 0.59
4WS3M10-3500-7 27.25 32.00 5.00 10.12 2.38 17.50 2.38 10.00 15.00 1.88 12.75 16.50 0.59
4WS3M10-3500-15 27.25 27.75 5.00 10.12 2.38 17.50 2.38 10.00 15.00 1.88 12.75 16.50 0.59
4WS3M10-3500-20 28.00 33.00 5.00 10.12 2.38 17.50 2.38 10.00 15.00 1.88 12.75 16.50 0.59
4WS6M12-3000-10 32.50 26.75 5.62 12.88 2.50 22.50 3.25 12.00 19.00 1.88 18.25 22.00 0.88
4WS6M12-3000-20 32.50 28.75 5.62 12.88 2.50 22.50 3.25 12.00 19.00 1.88 18.25 22.00 0.88
4WS6M12-4000-10 32.50 28.75 5.62 12.88 2.50 22.50 3.25 12.00 19.00 1.88 18.25 22.00 0.88
4WS6M12-4000-20 33.25 29.25 5.62 12.88 2.50 22.50 3.25 12.00 19.00 1.88 18.25 22.00 0.88
4WS6M12-6000-4 32.50 33.00 5.62 12.88 2.50 22.50 3.25 12.00 19.00 1.88 18.25 22.00 0.88
4WS6M12-6000-10 33.25 29.25 5.62 12.88 2.50 22.50 3.25 12.00 19.00 1.88 18.25 22.00 0.88
4WS6M12-6000-20 33.25 34.00 5.62 12.88 2.50 22.50 3.25 12.00 19.00 1.88 18.25 22.00 0.88
Dimensions are for reference only and subject to change without notice.


Important: It is the owner's or operator's
responsibility to determine the suitability of
the equipment to its intended use. Study all
applicable codes, manuals, and regulations.
Be sure to read the Owner's Manual supplied
with the equipment before operating it.

series 4ws power winches drawing
Model extension Drum Dia. Flange dia. Drum width Fleet angle distance4
4WS1M6 2.88 in. 7.00 in 6.00 in 9.5 ft
4WS3M10 4.50 in 11.50 in 10.00 in 15.9 ft
4WS6M12 5.50 in 14.00 in 12.00 in 19.1 ft
Dimensions are for reference only and subject to change without notice.
4 Recommended minimum distance between drum and lead sheave for smooth drum.


electric drum control switches
Single speed reversing drum controls for 1 and 3 phase motors up to
7.5 hp
UL and CSA Recognized components throughout.
Enclosures to suit your application needs. NEMA 1 (industrial) rated
    switches provide protection against dirt and corrosion for most indoor
    applications.  NEMA 4 (watertight) rated switches keep dirt and water
    out, and are  approved for most outdoor applications.
Wiring Diagram is supplied inside the enclosure for convenient reference.
When ordering please include the following: voltage and phase
required, and motor horsepower.

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Model No. Description Voltage/Phase/Hertz with maximum rated motor hp Weight Price
115/1/601 230/1/60 230/3/60 460/3/60
10L2A1 NEMA 1 to 1.5 hp to 2 hp to 3 hp to 3 hp 3 lb
10L7E1 NEMA 1 to 1.5 hp to 3 hp to 5 hp to 7.5 hp 3 lb
10L2A4 NEMA 4 - watertight to 1.5 hp to 2 hp to 3 hp to 3 hp 7 lb
10L7E4 NEMA 4 - watertight to 1.5 hp to 3 hp to 5 hp to 7.5 hp 7 lb
10P1A46 6 ft pendant control to 1 hp - - - 5 lb
Drum control switches for 115 volt single phase motors up to 1.5 hp, include 8 ft power cord with grounded plug. Please specify voltage,
phase, and motor hp when ordering. For magnetic reversing starters see Electric Controls below.


electric motor controls
Single Speed Reversing Magnetic Controls for
1 and 3 phase motors up to 40 hp
UL, IEC, or CSA Recognizedcomponents throughout.
Steel EnclosureNEMA 4 rated (watertight) keeps dirt
   and water out. Approved for most outdoor applications.
Pendant Control SwitchNEMA 4X rated (watertight),
   on 50 foot cord, allows operator to stand away from winch
   during operation. Pendant control is operated with momen-
   tary contact-type push buttons. Cord lengths of less than
   50 feet are available, please specify when ordering.
Reversing Contactoris electrically and mechanically
   interlocked to deliver smooth reversing control.
When ordering please include the following:
voltage and phase required, motor horsepower,
pendant control cord length - up to 50 ft., and
pendant control labeling - For/Rev or Up/Down.
Thermal Overload Relaytrips power OFF to protect
   motor from overheating. Switch is manually reset.
Fused Control Circuit powers pendant with 115 volt,
   2 amp current to help protect against high voltage shocks.
Wiring Diagramis supplied inside enclosure.
Steel Mounting Bracket secures control box to winch.
Special current or horsepower ratings, special
rated enclosures for explosive or harsh
environments, soft start or soft stop controls,
variable speed or multispeed controls, torque
limiting controls, selector switches, power cord
disconnects, and various panel mounted controls
or pilot lights.
Variable Frequency Drives
Variable frequency drive controls are available to provide
   accurate positioning of loads, soft starts and soft stops, and
   overload protection.
For 3 phase 230 VAC and 460 VAC motors from 1 to 5 hp.
For 3 phase 230 VAC motors from 1 to 30 hp.
For 3 phase 460 VAC motors from 1 to 60 hp.

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Starters listed include NEMA 4 rated pendant control on 50 foot cord.
Please specify voltage, phase, and motor hp when ordering. Contact us for required voltages and options.
Model No. Maximum rated motor horsepower for power supply current Weight Price
115/1/60 230/1/60 208/3/60 230/3/60 460/3/60
10S2A4 to 1.5 hp - - - - 25 lbs
10S3B4 - to 3 hp - - - 25 lbs
10S3C4 - - to 3 hp - - 25 lbs
10S3D4 - - - to 3 hp - 25 lbs
10S7E4 - - - - to 7.5 hp 25 lbs

How to Order Wire Rope
The breaking strength of new wire rope should be 5 times the size of the
largest load for lifting applications, and 3 times the size of the largest load
for pulling applications. Contact a reputable wire rope supplier for more
Breaking Strength of New Wire Rope (lb)
wire rope diameter   7x19 Galvanized Aircraft Cable 304 Stainless Steel wire rope
1/8 in -0.13 2,000 1,760
3/16 in -0.19 4,200 3,700
1/4 in -0.25 7,000 6,400
5/16 in -0.31 9,800 9,000
3/8 in -0.38 14,400 12,000
Values shown are for reference only. When selecting a wire rope, use the breaking strength specified by the rope manufacturer.
Breaking Strength of New Wire Rope (lb)
wire rope diameter   6 x 37 IWRC IPS
(Improved Plow Steel) wire rope
6 x 37 IWRC EIPS
(Extra Improved Plow Steel) wire rope
3/8 in -0.38 12,400 15,100
7/16 in -0.44 16,500 20,400
1/2 in -0.50 23,000 26,600
9/16 in -0.56 29,000 33,600
5/8 in -0.63 35,800 41,200
3/4 in -0.75 51,200 58,800
7/8 in -0.88 69,200 79,600
1 in -1.00 89,800 103,400
1-1/8 in -1.13 113,000 130,000
1-1/4 in -1.25 138,800 159,800
1-1/2 in -1.50 197,800 228,000
Values shown are for reference only. When selecting a wire rope, use the breaking strength specified by the rope manufacturer.

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Model No. Wire Rope Diameter and Length Weight Price
Galvanized Aircraft Cable With Swivel Hook and Swaged Ball Fitting
3/16 in x 20 ft
3 lbs
3/16 in x 28 ft
4 lbs
3/16 in x 36 ft
4 lbs
3/16 in x 45 ft
7 lbs
1/4 in x 20 ft
4 lbs
1/4 in x 28 ft
5 lbs
1/4 in x 36 ft
6 lbs
1/4 in x 45 ft
7 lbs
1/4 in x 60 ft
9 lbs
1/4 in x 75 ft
11 lbs
Galvanized Aircraft Cable With Swivel Hook and Unfinished End
5/16 in x 20 ft
6 lbs
5/16 in x 28 ft
7 lbs
5/16 in x 36 ft
8 lbs
5/16 in x 45 ft
10 lbs
5/16 in x 60 ft
12 lbs
5/16 in x 75 ft
15 lbs
3/8 in x 28 ft.
8 lbs
3/8 in x 36 ft
10 lbs
3/8 in x 45 ft
11 lbs
3/8 in x 60 ft
14 lbs
3/8 in x 75 ft
17 lbs
  304 Stainless Steel Wire Rope With SS Swivel Hook and Swaged Ball Fitting
3/16 in x 20 ft
3 lbs
3/16 in x 28 ft
3 lbs
3/16 in x 36 ft
4 lbs
3/16 in x 45 ft
7 lbs
3/16 in x 60 ft
9 lbs
3/16 in x 75 ft
11 lbs
1/4 in x 20 ft
5 lbs
1/4 in x 28 ft
5 lbs
1/4 in x 36 ft
6 lbs
1/4 in x 45 ft
7 lbs
1/4 in x 60 ft
9 lbs
1/4 in x 75 ft
11 lbs
304 Stainless Steel Wire Rope With SS Swivel Hook and Unfinished End
5/16 in x 20 ft
6 lbs
5/16 in x 28 ft
7 lbs
5/16 in x 36 ft
9 lbs
5/16 in x 45 ft
11 lbs
5/16 in x 60 ft
14 lbs
5/16 in x 75 ft
17 lbs
3/8 in x 28 ft.
8 lbs
3/8 in x 36 ft
10 lbs
3/8 in x 45 ft
11 lbs
3/8 in x 60 ft
14 lbs
3/8 in x 75 ft
17 lbs
Capstan Winch, Electric Winch, Electric Winches, Powered Winches, Power Winch, Power Winches, Spur Gear
Winch, Thern, Winch, Winch Hoist, Winches, and Worm-Spur Gear Power Winches from your source for material
handling equipment.

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